Tuesday, April 9, 2024

 Impressing your Date or Enjoying the Wine

You have just read an article titled " How to order wine like a Sommelier".You read it twice, in fact, and are now ready to impress your date.

The article most likely told you something far more complicated than Red with Steak Fish with wine. One article on the subect writes  The basics of food and wine matching is complex, but there are three main things to consider on your own: What is the main protein? How is it cooked? And what are the sauces and or spices?. Call the chef I need to know everything about the menu choices..  Perhaps not

I am willing to bet it even said you must order two or more bottles of wine. The right wine for each course. Hope you are rich.

So, the time approaches, and you're ready to tell the server what wine you wish to order. But a thought occurs to you: maybe she/he has a preference. 

The thought goes through your mind: should I ask if she/he prefers red or wine?? 

In my humble opinion and through experience ( over 50 years of ordering wine), ask if there is a preference. Your not their to please a wine writer but to please your date.

If it  is just me I order exactly the wines I like best regardless of what menu item I will order.

I like Bacchus and Ortega and will order it with a red meat dish. Sometime if there is a wine from a particular winery on the menu and I see an opportunity to taste this wine, I will go for it regardless of the menu selection

Although there is definitely one rule of law I follow: What the wife wants, the wife gets.

  • Dining out is about enjoyment and relaxation. If your favorite wine brings you joy, go ahead and indulge.
  • Sometimes the best pairings are the ones that make you happy.

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